About Us

About Us

Penshurst RSL Sub-Branch is a Returned Soldiers charitable organisation dedicated to the assistance and welfare of active service and ex-service Defence Force members and their dependants.

We have separate offices to the Penshurst RSL social club and our Adminstration & Welfare personnel are located on the lower ground floor of the premises at 58a Penshurst Street, Penshurst NSW 2222.

Mission Statement

Penshurst RSL Sub-Branch is a Returned Soldiers charitable organisation dedicated to the assistance and welfare of active service and ex-service Defence Force members and their dependants.

We have separate offices to the Penshurst RSL social club and our Adminstration & Welfare personnel are located on the lower ground floor of the premises at 58a Penshurst Street, Penshurst NSW 2222.

Sub Branch Life Members

Living sub-Branch L/M
W Chin
J Hoban
J Lloyd #
N Sandstrom

D K Thompson #
Deceased sub-Branch L/M

J Allan                      F Hardwicke
H Bain                       W Harrison
L Barker                          L W Hill
A Beattie ^                    O Hodge
L Betts               R Leedow OAM
J Bombell                     L Macrae
A Boulton               R Mcllhoney
A Brawn                   C Meaghter
W Brett                     K Nieass
R Norrish                 R Notley
P Comway               W H Parker    
K Crawley                H Phillips
O J Deas                  W K Richards    
W Dunn                   T R Ross
A Fraser               B V Shakespeare
F Freeman             N Swadling
J A Fugaccia           N D Tinsley 
W Graham            T Turner  
J Grier                    M White      
R W Griffiths          C Wilson                                             

  Transferred from another sub- Branch.
#   Transferred to another sub-Branch.

Our Background

With the ending of the First World War, news of deeds and sacrifices made by our men of the fighting forces filtered through to the citizens of Penshurst. Moved by their bravery the citizens decided to commemorate these actions by forming a committee to finance an institute, which was subsequently built in 1921.

The Memorial Committee raised finance for the building in many ways, some quite creative and successful. For example copies of miniature house bricks were printed and sold for a penny each with the slogan `Buy a Brick for the Memorial’.

Funds were raised and with the completion of the building the Premier of the time, Mr. James Dooley laid the foundation stone on 5th November 1921.

The building was used for meetings of local organisations, lodges, sporting associations, local dances, concerts, social gatherings and public meetings.

On the evening of Monday 30th May 1927, following the meeting of Returned Soldiers held in the Penshurst Memorial Hall, it was proposed by Mr Hynd and seconded by Mr Bombelli that “we form a Sub Branch of the R.S. & S.I.L”.

Penshurst RSL Sub Branch was granted its `Charter of Membership’ with the Returned Sailors & Soldiers Imperial League of Australia, on the 3rd August 1927.

The foundation Committee elected 75 years ago as President Alderman H.D. Ward, Vice Presidents J Hynd & J Mc Garry, Hon Secretary C Ross & Hon Treasurer G Ross. The Committee comprised of Messrs F Brown, J Bombell, H Carter, E Young Snr, A Solomon, J Ellis, W Hardy, G Thorn, F Tindale & M Wheatley.

Among patrons elected in 1927 were Mr T.J. Ley, MHR, Mr Mark Gosling, MLA, Aldermen Dr Eli Webb, A Humphries, W Collier all of Hurstville Council and Mr A.l. Blackshaw the former Mayor of Hurstville.

The Penshurst Sub Branch occupied the building from August 1927 until September 1951 when the Institute Trustees generously transferred the title and deed to the Sub Branch for 10 shillings.